Do Travellers Travel? By Robert Fell
Robert Fell is undertaking a PhD in Celtic and Scottish Studies at the University of Edinburgh.
The Census: Exploring the long history of the Gypsy Traveller community within the Gairloch Area
In this, our second post for Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month, we’re tracing several Gypsy/Traveller families through the census records, from 1851 until 1911…
Place-Names: Exploring the long history of the Gypsy Traveller community with the Gairloch area
June is Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month, and in celebration we’re exploring the long history of the Gypsy/Traveller community within the Gairloch area.
Dyeing wooden flowers with Kathy McGuigan
Kathy McGuigan from Auchindrain Township demonstrates wooden flower dying.
A Young Gypsy Traveller’s Piano Talent
During the lockdowns of the past year, James has taught himself piano using Youtube videos. Here he shows just how much he has learned!
Ian MacGregor sings Travellers Trade
Singer and piper Ian MacGregor, eldest son of the late, great Sheila Stewart, carries on traditions of the Stewarts of Blair, with old and new songs.
Margaret talks about her working life
Spending most of her life on the road, Margaret had to find many ways of contributing to the family’s finances. Here she talks to MECOPP’s Shirell Johnson about some of the many jobs she has had throughout her life.
Gypsy/Traveller Carers’ Project
Argyll based scrapman John has never lived in a house and spent most of his life on the road.
The Summer Walkers: a film by Timothy Neat and Hamish Henderson
This 1976 film documents the lives of some of Scotland’s Highland Travellers with rare footage of traditional ways such as tinsmithing and tent building. The soundtrack includes singing and music played by Travellers.
Paige’s Pictures
Paige is a young Traveller based in Argyll. She loves drawing and spends a lot of her free time creating her artwork.
Nairn Portraits
Article 12 in Scotland’s Young Gypsy/Traveller Lives Project and the Nairn Book and Arts Festival worked with the Gypsy/Traveller community in Inverness to produce a ‘portrait gallery’ for inclusion in the 2019 festival. The sketches were produced by local artists Helen Wright and William Mather.