Poems by Michelle Foy


MECOPP Gypsy/Traveller Carers Project

Back In the Day

 by Michelle Foy

The tatties and strawberries, the berries tae
Even the gooseberries we pick through the day
The farmer was happy so he would say
come back when you’re ready tae pick up your pay

Back tae the trailer the sun has gone down
A wash and our meat, then away into town
I need a new coat it needs to be brown
The lady would watch, and I would just frown

Back tae the camp away tae my bed
My nice soft pillow I’d lay down my head
Up in the morning I get them all fed
Then back tae the tatties, the work that I dread.

Times Have Changed

by Michelle Foy

A pheasant a rabbit, a big broon hare
always something to eat back there
beg the farmer, for milk or eggs
my old mother making the pegs

Back in the camp, we would play, 
hiding in bushes day by day, 
running wild and running free,
the travelling life, it was for me

Times have changed, for us much more 
bricks and mortar, and a big front door
So sad to say, its come to an end
The laws that are made, we cannot bend

When I was a Young Lass

by Michelle Foy

Back in the days when I was a young lass
the story I tell you is all from the past
I remember my aunty making the meat 
the trailer was cold and so was my feet 

Walking around, for hours and hours
selling my pegs, my own made flowers
my hands were sore, my fingers so numb
we needed the money, it had to be done

The summer came, what a relief
No more blisters on my two feet
Away down south we would go
fruit picking begins, I loved it so 

I filled my punnets, a smile on my face
the farmer was happy, gave me some praise
the good times we had, have now all gone
I miss them so much, it’s like a sore thorn

The time has come in, there’s nothing left
only the wulks, they are up over the Rest’ 
Going to the doors, it came to an end 
the sign says no hawkers, the rule cannot bend

Times have changed, they’ve gone away 
but in our minds, they always stay
We teach our children, as they must know 
the memories they hold, will never go.

All poems © Michelle Foy 2021


Place-Names: Exploring the long history of the Gypsy Traveller community with the Gairloch area


Dyeing wooden flowers with Kathy McGuigan