“The Olden Days”

Told By My Granny

Written by Caitlin Reid

We used tae go tae the woods and cut hazel sticks tae make a barricade with. We would also get a tank and cut it tae make a fire lume and elba.

We used tae make our meat and tea on the fire. We had balls of hay for our bed. We would go tae a spring well or whatever was available at the time tae get water.

My Granny and Granda, Cathy McKenzie (left) and Sandy McKenzie (right).

My Granda Sandy McKenzie (on the right) and his brother Willie (on the left).

We used to make our money by going aroun the hoose’s wae a basket, combs, needles and threid, sometimes claes pegs.

We use tae put our milk and anything that needed to be kept cauld in a basin of cauld water as there was no such things of fridges.

We used tae get tin baths and that is how we washed our claes and wains

My Granda (Middle) His brother Willie (to the right) and his other Brother Louie (on the left)

We used tae move place tae place with our horses and cart.

My granny came fae a family of 10

Long story short we were poor but we had love and that is the only thing we made sure of.

My Granda Sandy when he was around 6 years old.

My Granny Cathy (middle) My brother Sandy (left) and my uncle Willie (right)